Entrepreneurship Forum: Station 4: Financing Feasibility
This guide is for the Entrepreneurship Forum held at Auburn University at Montgomery on October 14th. Here you will find the resources discussed during the event for further review.
Comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications incorporating coverage of 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires from the United States.
Private foundations usually cannot make grants to for-profit organizations, but they may invest in them if doing so would help them accomplish one of their exempt purposes.
Foundation Directory Online, a database primarily used to identify grant prospects, can also be used to find grantmakers that make program-related investments. FDO can be accessed from computers on the second floor of the AUM Library; for more information, see http://libguides.aum.edu/foundationcenter or contact Amanda Scott, AUM’s Funding Information Network supervisor (ascott20@aum.edu). When conducting a Grantmakers search FDO, include the index terms “Program-related investments” or “Mission-related investments” under Transaction Type in conjunction with “Fields of Interest” index terms, “Geographic Focus” index terms, and/or keywords that describe your venture. In a Grants search, try any Transaction Type index term that starts with “PRI” (for example, “PRI business start-ups and expansions”) along with relevant “Subjects ” index terms, “Recipient Location” index terms, and/or keywords.