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Featured Author: Jasper Fforde

Fforde began his career in the film industry, and for nineteen years held a variety of posts on such movies as Goldeneye, The Mask of Zorro and Entrapment. Secretly harbouring a desire to tell his own stories rather than help other people tell their's, Jasper started writing in 1988, and spent eleven years secretly writing novel after novel as he strove to find a style of his own that was a no-mans-land somewhere between the warring factions of Literary and Absurd.

After receiving 76 rejection letters from publishers, Jasper's first novel The Eyre Affair was taken on by Hodder & Stoughton and published in July 2001. Set in 1985 in a world that is similar to our own, but with a few crucial - and bizarre - differences (Wales is a socialist republic, the Crimean War is still ongoing and the most popular pets are home-cloned dodos), The Eyre Affair introduces literary detective named 'Thursday Next'. Thursday's job includes spotting forgeries of Shakespeare's lost plays, mending holes in narrative plot lines, and rescuing characters who have been kidnapped from literary masterpieces.

Visit Fforde's website to learn more about the author and his work. 

Authors: E



Edgmon, H. E. Godly Heathens
Ellor, Z. R. Acting the part

Elwes, Cary

As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride

Emezi, Akwaeke You made a fool of death with your beauty
Eriksson, Kjell Hand That Trembles: A Mystery
Erlick,Nikki Measure
Evanovich, Jane Plum Lovin
Evans, Richard

1. Hunt for Jade Dragon

2. Gift

3. Final Spark

Everett, Percival James
Evison, Jonathan Lawn Boy
Ewing, Rhea Fine

Authors: F



Fadel, Youssef

Beautiful White Cat Walks with Me

Faizal, Hafsah Tempest of tea
Fajardo-anstine, Kali Woman of light
Fallon, Allison Power of Writing it Down: A Simple Habit to Unlock Your Brain and Reimagine Your Life
Fedarko, Kevin A walk in the park
Feeney, Alice Daisy Darker
Feldman, Suzanne Sisters of the great war
Fellowes, Jessi Mitford Secret
Fey, Tina Bossy Pants
Fforde, Jasper 1. 1 of Our Thursdays Is Missing
2. 4th Bear A Nursery Crime
3. Big Over Easy A Nursery Crime
4. Constant Rabbit
5. Early Riser
6. Eyre Affair a Novel
7. Lost in a Good Book
8. Shades of Grey The Road to High Saffro
9. Something Rotten
10. Thursday Next in 1st Among Sequels
11. Well Of Lost Plots a Thursday Next Nov
12. Woman Who Died a Lot A Thursday Next
Fink, Joseph

1. Welcome to Night Vale

2. Faceless old Woman who secretly lives in your home

Finkel, Michael The Art Thief
Finlay, Alex Night Shift
Flanagan, Erin Blackout
Flanagan, Kelly True Companions: A Book for Everyone About
the Relationships That See Us Through
Fleming, Jory How to be Human
Flowers, Ashley All Good People Here
Flynn, Gillian 1. Dark Places
2. Gone Girl
3. Grownup
4. Sharp Objects
Foley, Lucy

1. Paris Apartment

2. Guest List

Follett, Ken World Without End
Ford, Ashley C. Somebody's Daughter
Ford, Jamie Many Daughters of Afong Moy
Forden, Sara House of Gucci
Foster, Alan Dean Force Awakens
Fowler, Tom Rick and Morty 3
Fox, Margalit Conan Doyle for the Defense The True Sensational British Murder, A Quest for Justice, and the World’s Most Famous Detective Writer
Franklin, Arian Mistress of the art of death
Frasier, Crystal Cheer Up!
Freeman, Brian 1. Robert Ludlums The Bourne Evolution
2. Robert Ludlums the Bourne Treachery
French, Nicci Unheard
Friedman, Thomas World is Flat
Funk, Mason Book of Pride

Authors: G



Gailey, Sarah Just like Home

Gaiman, Neil

1. Problem of Susan and Other Stories
2. View from the Cheap Seats Selected Nonfiction

Galbraith, Robert

1. Ink Black Heart

2. Troubled Blood

3. Lethal White

Gardener, Faith Girl on the line
Garmus, Bonnie Lessons in Chemistry
Garrett, Laurie Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance
Garza, Amber Mother would Know
Gay, Roxane Hunger A Memoir of my Body
Gentill, Sulari Woman in the Library
Gerritsen, Tess 1. Die Again
2. Last to Die
Gilmore, Olesya Witch and the Tsar
Golden, Christopher All Hallows
Gong, Chloe Foul Lady Fortune
Goodwin, Doris Kearns An Unfinished love story
Gorman, Amanda

1. La Colina Que Ascendemos / the Hill We Climb

2. Call Us What We Carry

Grafton, Sue 1. A Is for Alibi
2. B Is for Burglar
3. C Is for Corpse
4. D is for Deadbeat A Kinsey Millhone My
5. E Is for Evidence A Kinsey Millhone My
6. F Is for Fugitive
7. K Is for Killer
8. P Is for Peril
9. S is for Silence
10. T Is for Trespass
11. U Is for Undertow
12. V is for Vengeance
13. X
14. Y Is for Yesterday
Grann, David Killers of the Flower Moon
Grant, Adam Think Again
Grant, Kimi These Silent Woods
Green, Hank

1. Absolutely Remarkable thing

2. Beautifully Foolish Endeavour

Green, John 1. Fault in Our Stars
2. Looking for Alaska
3. Paper Towns
4. Turtles All the Way Down
5. Will Grayson Will Grayson
Grisham, John 1. Appeal
2. Associate
3. Broker
4. Confession
5. Gray Mountain
6. Innocent Man Murder and Injustice in a
7. Litigators
Grohl, Dave Storyteller, Tales of Life and Music
Gross, Edward Fifty Year Mission: The Complete, Uncensored, Unauthorized Oral History of Star Trek
Grossman, Lev Magician King
Grushin, Olga Charmed Wife
Gyasi, Yaa Transcendent Kingdom