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Bestsellers & Beyond: Browsing Collection: A-B

Featured Author: Alan Bradley

Alan BradleyAlan Bradley was born in Toronto, Ont. and grew up in the pleasant lakeside town of Cobourg, Ont. After a long career in television broadcasting, he took early retirement from the University of Saskatchewan to write full-time. He has published many children’s stories as well as lifestyle and arts columns in Canadian newspapers. His adult stories have been broadcast on CBC radio and published in various literary journals. He has also written several screenplays and taught university-level courses in screenwriting. He was the recipient of the first Saskatchewan Writers Guild Award for Children’s Literature. After writing for several years on the Maltese island of Gozo, Alan Bradley now lives on the Isle of Man.

All six of the Flavia de Luce books published to date have been New York Times bestsellers, and are presently published in thirty-nine countries and thirty-six languages and the series has been optioned for television by the Academy Award-winning producer/director Sam Mendes, of “Skyfall” and “American Beauty” fame. 

For more information, visit his website

Authors: A



Abbott, Megan


Abdullah, Chelsea

Stardust Thief

Aberth, John

1. Doctoring the Black Death Medieval Europe

2. Plagues in World History

Aboulela, Leila

Kindness of Enemies

Acevedo, Elizabeth

1. Poet X

2. With the Fire on High

Achor, Shawn

Happiness Advantage

Ackerman, Sarah Radar Girls

Adams, John 

Mad Scientists Guide to World Domination

Adams, Sara Reading List
Adeyemi, Tomi

1. Children of Virtue and Vengeance

2. Children of Blood and Bone

Adichie, Chimam

1. Americanah

Adiga, Aravind

1. Amnesty

2. White tiger

Adler-Olsen, Julie

1. Keeper of Lost Causes

2. Marco Effect

Ahmadi, Arvin How it all blew up
Ahmed, Nawaaz, Radiant fugitives : a novel
Akerstrom, Lola In every mirror she's Black
Akhtar, Ayad Homeland Elegies
Akinmade-Akerstro¿¿m, Lola, In every mirror she's Black

Alam, Rumaan

Leave the World Behind

Albanese, Lauri Hester
Albert, Melissa Bad Ones

Albert, Susan W

1. Bittersweet

2. Wormwood

Albom, Mitch Stranger in the Life Boat
Alexander, T.J.

1. Chef's Choice

2. Chef's kiss

Allende, Isabel


Anat, Berna Money out Loud
Andrews, Andy Noticer

Andrews, Donna

1. Nightingale Before Christmas

2. Some Like It Hawk

3. Swan for the Money

Anthony, Gretchen

1. The Book Haters Book Club

2. Evergreen Tidings from the Baumgartners

Anonymous Go ask Alice
Arden, Katherine

1. Girl in the Tower

2. Bear and the Nightingale

3. Winter of the Witch

Arthur Riley, Cole Black Liturgies

Asher, Jay

13 Reasons Why

Atwood, Margaret

1. Heart Goes Last

2. Stone Mattress

3. Testaments

Auster, Paul Bloodbath Nation
Avery, Jaha Nailah Those who saw the sun

Awad, Mona

1. 13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl

2. All's Well

"In principle and reality, libraries are life-enhancing palaces of wonder." -Gail Honeyman

Authors: B



Babalola, Bolu Honey and Spice

Backman, Frederik

1. Man Called Ove

2. Anxious People

Bajaber, Khadij House of Rust
Baldacci, David


2. Long road to Mercy

3. True Blue

Banaji, Mahzari

1. Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People

Bardugo, Leigh

1. Six of crows

2. Crooked kingdom

3. Shadow and Bone

4. Siege and storm

5. Ruin and Rising

6. King of scars

7. Rule of wolves

Barker, Pat Silence of the Girls
Barrow, John D. 100 Essential things you didn't know you didn't know
Barry, Dave Live right and find happiness, although beer is faster
Beah, Ishmael Long Way Gone
Beal, Timothy Biblical literacy The essential Bible Guide
Beavan, Colin No Impact Man
Behar, Ruth Lucky Broken Girl
Benedict, Marie Personal Librarian
Bennett, Brit  Vanishing Half
Bennett, Robert Foundryside
Black, Holly Book of night
Blackburn, Lizz Yinka Where is your husband
Blake, Olivie Atlas 6
Blakemore, A. K. Manningtree Witches
Blume, Judy Forever...
Bollyky, Thomas Plagues and the Paradox of Progress : Why the World Is Getting Healthier in Worrisome Ways
Bones, Bobby Fail Until you Don’t: Fight Grind Repeat
Boryga, Andrew Victim
Boulley, Angelica Firekeepers Daughter
Bourdain, Anthony 1. Kitchen Confidential Adventures in the
2. World Travel An Irreverent Guide
Bowen, Rhys 12 Clues of Christmas
Bracken, Alexander Lore
Bradley, Alan

1. Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
2. Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag

3. Red Herring Without Mustard

4. I Am Half-sick of Shadows

5. Speaking from Among the Bones

6. Dead in Their Vaulted Arches

7. As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust
8. Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd
Graves a Fine and Private Place
10. Golden Tresses of the Dead

Brands, H. W. Founding Partisans
Bray, Adam Marvel: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know...
Bromley, Kate Talk Bookish to me
Brown, Dan 1. Inferno
2. Lost Symbol
3. Origin
Brown, Jeffrey 1. Darth Vader and Friends
2. Darth Vader and Son
3. Jedi Academy
4. Phantom Bully
5. Return of the Padawan
Brown, Jeremy Influenza: The Hundred Year Hunt to Cure the deadliest disease in history
Brown, Sandra Overkill
Bruni, Frank Age of Grievance
Brunson, Quinta She Memes Well
Burton, Jessie Medusa
Bush, George W. Out of Many, One: Portraits of America’s Immigrants 
Butler, Octavia Parable of the Sower